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[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church logo]

[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church eNewsletter]
Vol. 8 No. 26 June 27, 2019

In this issue…
  • Sunday Worship on June 30, 2019…
  • Celebrating Holy Communion each Sunday…
  • Special Announcement…
  • Recognizing Our High School Graduate…
  • Chronos Groups suspended until fall…
  • Christian Education suspended until fall…
  • Women’s Ministry…
    • Introduction…
    • Weekly Devotional for Women…
    • Women’s Discipleship Group…
  • Update from the Idora Church Plant…
  • and more…


Please be sure to scroll all the way to the end so you don’t miss any of the important announcements. We welcome your comments. Please send any questions or comments to If you no longer wish to receive this eNewsletter, please simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this page as it appears in your e-mailbox.

Sunday Worship

For Sunday, June 30, 2019—
Third Sunday after Pentecost

11:00 a.m.—  
Meeting at the former:

St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
950 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502

 Graphic of the words -- Celebrating Holy CommunionPhoto of Communion Table 
We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion each Sunday.

Worship Theme: “The Covenant Community continually confesses their sin before the Lord.”

Sermon Title: “Prayers of Confession”
  —Rev. Douglas J. Kortyna

Sermon Text: Psalm 5

Other Scripture Readings  

Old Testament

Exodus 15:1-18

Epistle Reading: Romans 3:9-20

(Please click on the Scripture texts above in order to
read them from the Engllish Standard Version)


We welcome anyone who wishes to join us for worship.



[Nursery Care Logo modified]

We welcome children of all ages in our Worship Service. Parents, please do not be concerned if your child cries. We believe that the cries of children signal that the church is alive, well, and destined to continue for generations to come.

However, if parents would feel more comfortable, we offer Nursery Care for very young children during our Worship Service. You will find the caregivers in Room 116 in the Educational Building.


[Photo of Coffee and Cookies]

After the Worship Service

We invite you to join us for a time of fellowship with coffee and cookies in the foyer of the Educational Building after each Sunday worship service.

We also invite those who wish to have a time of personal prayer for needs in their lives to please speak to Pastor Kortyna, Laurie LeSuer, Jennifer Pontzer, or Dean Wilson and they will arrange for someone to meet with you and pray with you.

[Graphic of Redeemer New Logo]
[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church Weekly Announcements]

[Photo of Mission Statement]

Our Mission Statement

“As part of the global church of Jesus Christ, Redeemer Presbyterian Church exists to draw people into a life-long transforming relationship with Him by:

          Exalting God thoughtfully and joyfully
          Knowing God intimately
          Serving others wholeheartedly
          Sharing God’s love locally and globally”

Based on this Mission Statement, we have developed a statement of our “Core Values and Elements of Our Strategic Plan,” which you may read by clicking here.


[Graphic of Special Announcement]

Attention: Members and Friends

On Sunday, June 23, 2019, during the morning Worship Service, Pastor Kortyna made the following announcement to the congregation on behalf of Ruling Elder Jennifer Pontzer:

On behalf of your Session and your Alternative Building Committee (ABC), I wish to inform you that we could not reach an agreement on the critically important details of a lease with Westminster Presbyterian Church. After much prayer, many face-to-face meetings, and many email exchanges, we have made the decision to renew our search for a suitable worship space.

While we are dismayed by this turn of events, we assure you that the Lord’s message was clear in this process and Session and the ABC have been unanimous in these decisions. In the beginning, it seemed the Lord was opening door after door. However, at some point, this message was no longer clear and, by the end, we knew it was not His plan to have us worship at Westminster.

Again, this message is disheartening, but let us remember the Israelites and pray we are attuned to our God’s messages and continue to pray that He will guide us faster than He did them.
Jennifer Pontzer


[Photo of Ryan Sesler]

Recognizing Our
High School Graduate: Ryan Sesler

During our worship service on Sunday, June 16, 2019, Ruling Elder Laurel LeSuer, Clerk of Session of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC), presented Redeemer member, Ryan Sesler, with a Bible in recognition of his high school graduation.

From left to right in the photo above: Lisa Gordon, Ryan Sesler, Pastor Douglas J. Kortyna and daughter Zoe, and Laurie LeSuer. Several years ago, Mrs. Gordon led the Confirmation Class in which Ryan was a participant.

The entire congregation of Redeemer extends our most sincere congratulations to Ryan and wish him the very best as he continues his education. We will certainly continue to remember Ryan in our prayers.


[Logo for Chronos]

Christian Formation through Participation

We have suspended our Chronos Groups for the remainder of the spring and summer. They will resume during the week of September 8, 2019.

For more detailed information, please click here to visit the Chronos Group page on our website.


[Graphic of Adult Christian Education]

Adult Christian Education Welcomes YOU!

We have suspended our Christian Education classes for the remainder of the spring and summer. They will resume during the week of September 8, 2019.


[Photo of Women standing and laughing]

Women’s Ministry

Introduction: The Women’s Ministry of Redeemer Presbyterian Church offers many opportunities to the women from our church and from our community. We welcome you to keep in touch with our ministry activities. Please click here for more information…

Weekly Devotional: Every week our Women’s Ministry posts a Weekly Devotional for Women. If you haven’t yet read this week’s devotional, please click here.

Women’s Discipleship Group: continues our studies on Thursday mornings from 10:00 to noon. We meet in members’ homes.

We are currently studying N. T. Wright’s devotional book, Acts for Everyone, Part Two: Chapters 13-28.

Women interested in joining this group should contact Laurie LeSuer at church for any questions, or click here to send her a message via e-mail.

Note: Clicking on this link will launch your computer’s default email application. However, if you normally connect to your emailbox over the web by webmail—such as AOL or gmail—and do not use a dedicated email application on your computer, you will need to launch your webmail and send your email to “”

[Photo of Mission Projects]

Becoming a Missional Church…

We continue to pursue ways to effectively fulfill The Great Commission. We invite you to visit our website and view the Mission Projects we continue to undertake both independently and also in cooperation with our friends at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church: Read more...




[Photo of the Koerths]

Idora Church Plant in Youngstown, Ohio

You may read the latest update on this important ministry of the Presbytery of the Alleghenies, which Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC) supports, by clicking here.




[Photo of Sierra Leone children]

Pray for Our Mission to Sierra Leone

Partnering with EduNations, our Presbytery has adopted the nation of Sierra Leone as our mission to people who remain unreached for Jesus Christ. Our ministry network of churches has focused on the village of Fintonia in northern Sierra Leone (red dot on the map below).





Please click for more information on the EPC’s World Outreach




[Photo of Sandie Starr Everhart]

Our Missionary: Sandie Starr Everhart

Redeemer Presbyterian Church provides support for the mission work of Sandie Starr Everhart. Sandie serves with the Coalition for Christian Outreach at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.

The CCO calls students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. CCO campus ministers share the Gospel with students and develop passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. They serve together along with the church and invite students into the lives of local congregations.

Sandie has been involved in campus ministry with the CCO across three decades at many different universities. She strives to fulfill her call to love college students. She gives students a vision for serving Jesus in their studies, careers, communities, church, and families. Sandie meets students on campus and serves them in a variety of ways from driving them to the doctor, taking them grocery shopping, attending their athletic competitions, encouraging them, and providing one on one discipleship and support. She leads weekly Bible Studies in her home and develops student leaders.

In addition to financial support, Redeemer Presbyterian Church is involved in the annual Pig Roast, providing food and logistical support to over 300 athletes and coaches. Members also contribute baked goods and special treats for care packages before final exams.

Please keep Sandie and her ministry in your daily prayers.

[Photo of Prayer Requests]

Prayer Requests

More and more, we want to become a praying church. Thus, we want to continually hold each other up in prayer.

We want to celebrate your joys. We want to rejoice with you concerning the answers you’ve received to your prayers. And, we want to know about your trials, sorrows, difficulties, and concerns so that we can earnestly and fervently pray with you and pray for you.

Please don’t wait until Sunday to share with us. We welcome your Prayer Requests all week long.

If you have a Prayer Request during the week, you may connect with our prayer warriors through our Facebook “Praise and Prayer” page. Or, especially if your prayer request is of a more confidential nature, please send an email to the email address noted below.

Upon receipt, we will either activate our Prayer Chain enabling our prayer warriors to pray for your request; or, if you mark your request “Confidential,” we will only share your prayer request with the Pastor and our three Ruling Elders.

To send us a Prayer Request by email, please just click here.

Note: Clicking on this link will launch your computer’s default email program. However, if you normally connect to your emailbox over the web by webmail—such as AOL or gmail—and do not use a dedicated mail application on your computer, you will need to launch your webmail and send your request to “”


[Facebook Badge]

Please “Like” our Facebook Page

That’s right, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC) has a page on Facebook. If you’re also on Facebook, we invite you to “Like” our Facebook page. If you do, you’ll receive all the updates we post throughout the week.

You can become a "Redeemer Pres. Ambassador." Here’s how: Once you “Like” our Facebook page, you will begin to receive our updates on your Facebook newsfeed. If you see one of our updates that you would like to share with your Facebook friends, all you have to do is simply click the “Share” button. This will place the update you “Share” onto the newsfeed for your Facebook friends and also onto the timeline of your own Facebook page where all your Facebook friends can view it.

While our website will remain the principal source of information regarding our services and activities, and while this eNewsletter will continue to provide a once-weekly summary of what’s going on at Redeemer Pres., our Facebook page will offer a fast-paced, up-to-the-minute way of keeping in touch throughout the course of your day, whenever you log into Facebook.

To visit our Facebook page, just click here.

You may also always reach our Facebook page by clicking on the “Facebook badge” that is located on the left-side menu column of any page on our website.

We also have a “Redeemer Pres. Prayer and Praise” Group that you may access from our Facebook page. To join this “Closed Group” you must be invited by an existing member. So, just mention your interest to one of the current members of the Group and that one will gladly add you to the Group.


[Photo of people with words -- Who Are We?]

About Us…

Have you ever wondered how we describe ourselves to people who come across our website while they are surfing the world wide web?

Well, wonder no more. Just click here to read a description about Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

Then, please pray that people will find us and that the Holy Spirit will continue to draw those He wants to become a part of our fellowship. And, don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join us for Christian Education and Worship on Sunday.


[Photo of Offering Plate]

Tithes, Offerings, and Love Gifts

We appreciate your consistent generosity in giving to support the ministry of our church. Please make your checks payable to “Redeemer Presbyterian Church.” We also have Pledge Cards available for those who may wish to indicate the extent of their giving—as God provides—throughout the coming year.


[Photo of God Hunt]

“God Hunt” Sightings

We include this announcement each week to express our sincere hope that you are still going on a daily “God Hunt.” Every day please look for one or more of the following:
  • Any obvious answer to prayer, or...
  • Any special evidence of God’s care, or...
  • Any help to do God’s work in the world, or...
  • Any unusual linkage or timing

Then, please write your “God Hunt Sightings” down in a journal or notebook. Next, as God opens up an opportunity for you to share with someone what He is doing in your life, please take that opportunity to do so.


Photo of Directions to Redeemer Presbyterian Church

Please click on the aerial photo to obtain specific directions from your location.



Copyright © 2019 by Redeemer Presbyterian Church • Erie, PA. All Rights Reserved.