



Graphic of Christian Education

Christian Education Classes

Each Sunday morning, Christian Education classes for all ages meet from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the Christ Center adjacent to the Sanctuary. We have classes for both adults and for children.

Please join us. You will find a very warm, welcoming, and inviting atmosphere.




Graphic of Adult Christian Education


We invite all adults to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Christ Center, from Sunday, February 23, 2025 through Sunday, March 23, 2025, for our Adult Christian Education class led by Robert LeSuer and entitled: “The Surprising Gift of Repentance.”

As the season of Lent approaches once again, it is an appropriate time to consider the Christian discipline of repentance. You might be surprised that repentance is described in the Bible as a great gift. Have you received that gift? It is also the described as a necessity. In fact, it is not only the primary directive, but the very first recorded word in the initial sermons of the following:

As such, is it just possible that “repentance” is a word that we should be using in our conversations with our unbelieving friends? How would that work? In this class, we will look at just what repentance is, and at some ways in which we might profitably improve our reception, practice, and communication of this important, and life-giving, gift and discipline.




Graphic of Children Christian Education

Christian Education Classes
for Children

Please join us on Sunday mornings for Christian Education classes for children at 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the Christ Center adjacent to the Sanctuary.

